Validation Results for ExampleIG

Generated Tue Mar 07 20:59:05 UTC 2023, FHIR version 4.0.1 for medicationschema#1.0.0 (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.2.40, which is out of date. The current version is v?pub-ver-1? Download Latest
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId = medicationschema, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • This IG has never been published
  • This IG has never been published, so the version should start with '0.' or include a patch version e.g. '-ballot'
  • No publication request found
Supressed Messages:5 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
.. medicationschema1.0.0R4
... hl7.terminology.r45.0.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 5.1.0
Templates: -> -> fhir.base.template#current
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
HTA Analysis:Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Invalid HTTP response 404 from (Not Found) (content in /tmp/fhir-http-2.log))
IPA Comparison: n/a
Summary: errors = 156, warn = 939, info = 8, broken links = 0
Build Errors080

n/a Show Validation Information

warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureDefinition/FHIRDocument. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureDefinition/FHIRMedList. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureDefinition/Treatment. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource StructureDefinition/TreatmentLine. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
2warningAn HTML fragment from the set [cross-version-analysis.xhtml, cross-version-analysis-inline.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
3warningAn HTML fragment from the set [dependency-table.xhtml, dependency-table-short.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationAdministrationRoute.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1096)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c1121)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
CodeSystem (l1/c1121)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1431)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c1687)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
CodeSystem (l1/c1687)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineDayPeriod.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.title (l1/c1245)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Medication line - times of day '
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1750)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c2164)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
CodeSystem (l1/c2164)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineOriginType.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c2049)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c2525)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
CodeSystem (l1/c2525)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLinePeriodicity.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1274)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c1413)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
CodeSystem (l1/c1413)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineStatus.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c2296)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c3053)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
CodeSystem (l1/c3053)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineStatusReason.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c2381)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c3138)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
CodeSystem (l1/c3138)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationProductType.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c2720)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c3708)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
CodeSystem (l1/c3708)warningThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile

fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-medicationschema.json Show Validation Information (0)

ImplementationGuide.where(url = '')errorConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-medicationschema.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
ImplementationGuide.urlerrorResource id/url mismatch: medicationschema/
ImplementationGuide.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c966)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ImplementationGuide.definition.resource[25].name (l1/c16840)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Medication line - times of day '
fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-medicationschemaerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-CD.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4459)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DT.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4430)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ExtDosageTime.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c9844)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-FHIRDocument.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c19273)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-FHIRMedList.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c11418)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-II.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4466)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.json Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id Element id
StructureDefinition (l1/c1345814)errorRule sdf-1: 'Element paths must be unique unless the structure is a constraint' Failed
StructureDefinition (l1/c1345814)errorRule sdf-16: 'All element definitions must have unique ids (snapshot)' Failed (ids: KMEHRMS,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.standard,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.standard.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.standard.modifierExtension,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.time,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-hub,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-hub.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-hub.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-org,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-org.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-org.modifierExtension,,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.modifierExtension,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.firstname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.familyname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.address,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.address.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.address.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.address.nis,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.telecom,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-application,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-application.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-application.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-hub,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-hub.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-hub.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-org,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-org.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-org.modifierExtension,,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.modifierExtension,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.firstname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.familyname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.address,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.address.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.address.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.address.nis,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.telecom,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-application,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-application.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-application.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.firstname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.familyname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.birthdate,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.deathdate,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address.street,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address.housenumber,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.nationality,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.nationality.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.nationality.value,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.usuallanguage,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.telecom,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.recorddatetime,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.text,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.isComplete,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.isValidated,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.version,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.modifierExtension,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.isComplete,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.isValidated,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.modifierExtension,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.beginMoment,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.beginMoment.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.beginMoment.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.beginMoment.time,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.endMoment,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.endMoment.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.endMoment.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.endMoment.time,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.medicinalproduct,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.medicinalproduct.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.medicinalproduct.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.medicinalproduct.intendedName,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.medicinalproduct.intendedCd,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.medicinalproduct.deliveredName,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.medicinalproduct.deliveredCd,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.substanceproduct,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.substanceproduct.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.substanceproduct.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.substanceproduct.intendedName,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.substanceproduct.intendedCd,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.substanceproduct.deliveredName,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.substanceproduct.deliveredCd,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.compoundprescription,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.compoundprescription.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.compoundprescription.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.compoundprescription.magistraltext,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.compoundprescription.compound,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.content.compoundprescription.formularyReference,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.text,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.lifecycle,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-medication.lnk,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-transactionreason,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-transactionreason.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-transactionreason.modifierExtension,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-transactionreason.content-text,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-transactionreason.content-text.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-transactionreason.content-text.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.item-transactionreason.content-text.text,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.modifierExtension,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-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older.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.daytime.dayperiod,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.daytime.dayperiod.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.daytime.dayperiod.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.quantity,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.quantity.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.quantity.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.quantity.decimal,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.quantity.unit,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.quantity.unit.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.regimen.quantity.unit.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.route,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.route.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.route.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.instructionForOverDosing,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.instructionForReimbursement,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.isSubstitutionAllowed,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.local,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.batch,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.deliveryDate,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-medication.item-medication.instructionforpatient) (log: (ids: KMEHRMS,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.standard,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.standard.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.standard.modifierExtension,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.time,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-hub,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-hub.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-hub.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-org,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-org.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-org.modifierExtension,,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.modifierExtension,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.firstname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.familyname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.address,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.address.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.address.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.address.nis,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-individual.telecom,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-application,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-application.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.sender.hcparty-application.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.modifierExtension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-hub,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-hub.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-hub.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-org,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-org.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-org.modifierExtension,,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.modifierExtension,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.firstname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.familyname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.address,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.address.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.address.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.address.nis,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-individual.telecom,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-application,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-application.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.header.recipient.hcparty-application.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.modifierExtension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.firstname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.familyname,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.birthdate,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.deathdate,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address.street,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.address.housenumber,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.nationality,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.nationality.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.nationality.value,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.usuallanguage,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.telecom,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.recorddatetime,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.patient.text,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.modifierExtension,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.isComplete,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.isValidated,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSTransaction.version,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.extension,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.modifierExtension,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-treatmentSuspension.time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,KMEHRMS.KMEHRMessage.folder.MSETransaction-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StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c652927)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.snapshot (l1/c1230280)errorRule sdf-3: 'Each element definition in a snapshot must have a formal definition and cardinalities' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[1] (l1/c653977)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[2] (l1/c654584)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[3] (l1/c656335)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[4] (l1/c659003)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[5] (l1/c659592)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[6] (l1/c660213)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[7] (l1/c661978)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[8] (l1/c664660)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[9] (l1/c665209)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[10] (l1/c665848)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[11] (l1/c667631)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[12] (l1/c670331)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[13] (l1/c670825)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[14] (l1/c671021)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[15] (l1/c671217)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[16] (l1/c671760)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[17] (l1/c672395)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[18] (l1/c674174)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[19] (l1/c676870)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[20] (l1/c677526)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[21] (l1/c678185)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[22] (l1/c679988)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[23] (l1/c682708)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[24] (l1/c683093)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[24] (l1/c683093)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[24].example[0] (l1/c683091)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[25] (l1/c683445)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[26] (l1/c683797)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[27] (l1/c684453)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[28] (l1/c685112)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[29] (l1/c686915)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[30] (l1/c689635)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[31] (l1/c690042)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[31] (l1/c690042)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[31].example[0] (l1/c690040)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[32] (l1/c690394)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[33] (l1/c690875)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[34] (l1/c691320)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[35] (l1/c691894)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[36] (l1/c692214)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[37] (l1/c692905)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[38] (l1/c693578)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[39] (l1/c695395)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[40] (l1/c698129)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[41] (l1/c698538)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[42] (l1/c699008)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[42].example[0] (l1/c699006)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[43] (l1/c699510)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[44] (l1/c699927)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[44].example[0] (l1/c699925)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[45] (l1/c700489)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[46] (l1/c700871)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[47] (l1/c701292)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[47].example[0] (l1/c701290)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[48] (l1/c702069)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[49] (l1/c702758)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[50] (l1/c704591)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[51] (l1/c707341)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[52] (l1/c707786)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[53] (l1/c708246)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[53].example[0] (l1/c708244)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[54] (l1/c708654)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[55] (l1/c709330)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[56] (l1/c710005)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[57] (l1/c711824)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[58] (l1/c714560)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[59] (l1/c715046)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[59] (l1/c715046)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[60] (l1/c715453)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[61] (l1/c715815)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[62] (l1/c716367)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[63] (l1/c717008)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[64] (l1/c718793)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[65] (l1/c721495)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[66] (l1/c722160)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[67] (l1/c722825)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[68] (l1/c724634)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[69] (l1/c727360)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[70] (l1/c727754)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[70] (l1/c727754)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[70].example[0] (l1/c727752)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[71] (l1/c728115)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[72] (l1/c728476)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[73] (l1/c729141)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[74] (l1/c729806)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[75] (l1/c731615)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[76] (l1/c734341)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[77] (l1/c734757)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[77] (l1/c734757)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[77].example[0] (l1/c734755)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[78] (l1/c735118)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[79] (l1/c735608)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[80] (l1/c736062)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[81] (l1/c736645)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[82] (l1/c736974)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[83] (l1/c737674)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[84] (l1/c738353)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[85] (l1/c740176)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[86] (l1/c742916)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[87] (l1/c743334)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[88] (l1/c743813)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[88].example[0] (l1/c743811)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[89] (l1/c744324)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[90] (l1/c744750)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[90].example[0] (l1/c744748)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[91] (l1/c745321)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[92] (l1/c745712)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[93] (l1/c746142)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[93].example[0] (l1/c746140)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[94] (l1/c746928)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[95] (l1/c747623)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[96] (l1/c749462)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[97] (l1/c752218)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[98] (l1/c752672)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[99] (l1/c753141)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[99].example[0] (l1/c753139)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[100] (l1/c753558)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[101] (l1/c754243)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[102] (l1/c754924)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[103] (l1/c756749)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[104] (l1/c759491)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[105] (l1/c759986)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[105] (l1/c759986)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[106] (l1/c760402)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[107] (l1/c760773)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[108] (l1/c761374)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[109] (l1/c761995)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[110] (l1/c763760)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[111] (l1/c766442)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[112] (l1/c766765)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[113] (l1/c767360)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[114] (l1/c767997)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[115] (l1/c769778)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[116] (l1/c772476)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[117] (l1/c772874)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[118] (l1/c773294)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[119] (l1/c773613)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[120] (l1/c774001)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[121] (l1/c774295)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[122] (l1/c774916)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[123] (l1/c775561)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[124] (l1/c777350)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[125] (l1/c780056)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[126] (l1/c780345)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[127] (l1/c781024)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[128] (l1/c781677)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[129] (l1/c783474)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[130] (l1/c786188)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[131] (l1/c786492)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[132] (l1/c786803)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[133] (l1/c787116)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[134] (l1/c787439)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[135] (l1/c787791)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[136] (l1/c788615)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[137] (l1/c789164)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[138] (l1/c790787)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[139] (l1/c791396)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[140] (l1/c791713)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[141] (l1/c792107)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[142] (l1/c792443)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[143] (l1/c792873)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[144] (l1/c793174)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[145] (l1/c793851)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[146] (l1/c794500)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[147] (l1/c796293)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[148] (l1/c799003)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[149] (l1/c799524)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[150] (l1/c799828)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[151] (l1/c800265)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[152] (l1/c800701)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[153] (l1/c801385)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[154] (l1/c802048)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[155] (l1/c803855)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[156] (l1/c806579)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[157] (l1/c807277)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[158] (l1/c807964)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[159] (l1/c809795)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[160] (l1/c812543)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[161] (l1/c812970)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[161] (l1/c812970)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[161].example[0] (l1/c812968)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[162] (l1/c813364)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[163] (l1/c813758)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[164] (l1/c814456)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[165] (l1/c815143)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[166] (l1/c816974)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[167] (l1/c819722)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[168] (l1/c820171)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[168] (l1/c820171)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[168].example[0] (l1/c820169)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[169] (l1/c820565)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[170] (l1/c821088)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[171] (l1/c821575)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[172] (l1/c822191)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[173] (l1/c822553)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[174] (l1/c823286)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[175] (l1/c823987)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[176] (l1/c825832)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[177] (l1/c828594)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[178] (l1/c829045)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[179] (l1/c829557)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[179].example[0] (l1/c829555)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[180] (l1/c830101)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[181] (l1/c830560)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[181].example[0] (l1/c830558)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[182] (l1/c831164)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[183] (l1/c831588)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[184] (l1/c832051)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[184].example[0] (l1/c832049)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[185] (l1/c832870)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[186] (l1/c833587)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[187] (l1/c835448)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[188] (l1/c838226)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[189] (l1/c838713)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[190] (l1/c839215)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[190].example[0] (l1/c839213)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[191] (l1/c839665)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[192] (l1/c840383)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[193] (l1/c841086)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[194] (l1/c842933)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[195] (l1/c845697)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[196] (l1/c846225)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[196] (l1/c846225)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[197] (l1/c846674)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[198] (l1/c847078)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[199] (l1/c847440)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[200] (l1/c847807)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[201] (l1/c848148)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[202] (l1/c848866)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[203] (l1/c849557)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[204] (l1/c851392)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[205] (l1/c854144)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[206] (l1/c854652)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[207] (l1/c855212)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[208] (l1/c855611)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[209] (l1/c856111)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[210] (l1/c856610)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[211] (l1/c857357)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[212] (l1/c858062)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[213] (l1/c859911)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[214] (l1/c862677)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[215] (l1/c863438)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[216] (l1/c864167)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[217] (l1/c866040)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[218] (l1/c868830)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[219] (l1/c869320)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[219] (l1/c869320)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[219].example[0] (l1/c869318)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[220] (l1/c869777)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[221] (l1/c870234)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[222] (l1/c870995)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[223] (l1/c871724)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[224] (l1/c873597)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[225] (l1/c876387)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[226] (l1/c876899)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[226] (l1/c876899)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[226].example[0] (l1/c876897)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[227] (l1/c877356)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[228] (l1/c877942)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[229] (l1/c878492)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[230] (l1/c879171)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[231] (l1/c879596)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[232] (l1/c880392)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[233] (l1/c881135)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[234] (l1/c883022)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[235] (l1/c885826)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[236] (l1/c886340)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[237] (l1/c886915)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[237].example[0] (l1/c886913)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[238] (l1/c887522)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[239] (l1/c888044)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[239].example[0] (l1/c888042)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[240] (l1/c888711)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[241] (l1/c889198)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[242] (l1/c889724)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[242].example[0] (l1/c889722)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[243] (l1/c890606)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[244] (l1/c891365)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[245] (l1/c893268)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[246] (l1/c896088)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[247] (l1/c896638)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[248] (l1/c897203)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[248].example[0] (l1/c897201)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[249] (l1/c897716)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[250] (l1/c898497)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[251] (l1/c899242)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[252] (l1/c901131)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[253] (l1/c903937)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[254] (l1/c904528)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[254] (l1/c904528)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[255] (l1/c905040)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[256] (l1/c905507)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[257] (l1/c905932)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[258] (l1/c906362)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[259] (l1/c907214)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[260] (l1/c907937)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[261] (l1/c909804)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[262] (l1/c912588)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[263] (l1/c913079)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[263] (l1/c913079)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[264] (l1/c913628)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[265] (l1/c914474)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[266] (l1/c915221)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[267] (l1/c917112)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[268] (l1/c919920)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[269] (l1/c920342)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[270] (l1/c920796)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[271] (l1/c921622)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[272] (l1/c922365)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[273] (l1/c924252)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[274] (l1/c927056)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[275] (l1/c927472)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[276] (l1/c927920)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[277] (l1/c928656)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[278] (l1/c929395)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[279] (l1/c931278)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[280] (l1/c934078)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[281] (l1/c934927)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[282] (l1/c935700)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[283] (l1/c937617)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[284] (l1/c940451)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[285] (l1/c941050)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[286] (l1/c941639)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[287] (l1/c942239)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[288] (l1/c942831)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[289] (l1/c943676)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[290] (l1/c944449)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[291] (l1/c946366)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[292] (l1/c949200)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[293] (l1/c949880)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[293].example[0] (l1/c949878)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[294] (l1/c950691)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[295] (l1/c951291)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[296] (l1/c951980)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[297] (l1/c952943)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[298] (l1/c953724)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[299] (l1/c955649)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[300] (l1/c958491)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[301] (l1/c959231)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[301].example[0] (l1/c959229)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[302] (l1/c959805)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[303] (l1/c960393)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[304] (l1/c960953)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[305] (l1/c961543)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[306] (l1/c962261)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[306].short (l1/c961828)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'using a link to the transaction (in the current MedicationSchema) of the related medicine, '
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[307] (l1/c963124)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[308] (l1/c963861)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[309] (l1/c965742)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[310] (l1/c968540)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[311] (l1/c969052)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[311] (l1/c969052)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[312] (l1/c969634)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[313] (l1/c970369)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[314] (l1/c971132)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[315] (l1/c973039)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[316] (l1/c975863)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[317] (l1/c976495)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[317].example[0] (l1/c976493)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[318] (l1/c977162)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[319] (l1/c977835)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[320] (l1/c979652)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[321] (l1/c982386)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[322] (l1/c982867)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[323] (l1/c983400)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[324] (l1/c983772)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[325] (l1/c984245)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[326] (l1/c984717)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[327] (l1/c985437)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[328] (l1/c986124)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[329] (l1/c987955)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[330] (l1/c990703)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[331] (l1/c991437)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[332] (l1/c992148)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[333] (l1/c994003)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[334] (l1/c996775)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[335] (l1/c997238)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[335] (l1/c997238)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[335].example[0] (l1/c997236)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[336] (l1/c997668)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[337] (l1/c998098)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[338] (l1/c998832)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[339] (l1/c999543)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[340] (l1/c1001398)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[341] (l1/c1004170)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[342] (l1/c1004655)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[342] (l1/c1004655)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[342].example[0] (l1/c1004653)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[343] (l1/c1005085)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[344] (l1/c1005644)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[345] (l1/c1006167)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[346] (l1/c1006819)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[347] (l1/c1007217)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[348] (l1/c1007986)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[349] (l1/c1008711)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[350] (l1/c1010580)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[351] (l1/c1013366)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[352] (l1/c1013853)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[353] (l1/c1014401)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[353].example[0] (l1/c1014399)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[354] (l1/c1014981)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[355] (l1/c1015476)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[355].example[0] (l1/c1015474)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[356] (l1/c1016116)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[357] (l1/c1016576)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[358] (l1/c1017075)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[358].example[0] (l1/c1017073)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[359] (l1/c1017930)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[360] (l1/c1018671)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[361] (l1/c1020556)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[362] (l1/c1023358)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[363] (l1/c1023881)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[364] (l1/c1024419)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[364].example[0] (l1/c1024417)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[365] (l1/c1024905)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[366] (l1/c1025659)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[367] (l1/c1026386)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[368] (l1/c1028257)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[369] (l1/c1031045)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[370] (l1/c1031609)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[370] (l1/c1031609)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[371] (l1/c1032094)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[372] (l1/c1032534)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[373] (l1/c1032932)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[374] (l1/c1033335)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[375] (l1/c1033657)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[376] (l1/c1034485)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[377] (l1/c1035196)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[378] (l1/c1037051)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[379] (l1/c1039823)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[380] (l1/c1040296)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[380] (l1/c1040296)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[381] (l1/c1040839)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[382] (l1/c1041547)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[383] (l1/c1042292)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[384] (l1/c1044181)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[385] (l1/c1046987)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[386] (l1/c1047509)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[387] (l1/c1048205)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[388] (l1/c1048942)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[389] (l1/c1050823)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[390] (l1/c1053621)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[391] (l1/c1054169)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[391].example[0] (l1/c1054167)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[392] (l1/c1055016)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[393] (l1/c1055725)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[394] (l1/c1057578)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[395] (l1/c1060348)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[396] (l1/c1060818)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[396] (l1/c1060818)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[397] (l1/c1061358)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[398] (l1/c1062063)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[399] (l1/c1062806)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[400] (l1/c1064693)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[401] (l1/c1067497)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[402] (l1/c1068015)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[403] (l1/c1068708)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[404] (l1/c1069443)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[405] (l1/c1071322)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[406] (l1/c1074118)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[407] (l1/c1074663)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[407].example[0] (l1/c1074661)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[408] (l1/c1075520)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[409] (l1/c1076233)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[410] (l1/c1078090)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[411] (l1/c1080864)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[412] (l1/c1081340)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[412] (l1/c1081340)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[413] (l1/c1081886)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[414] (l1/c1082597)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[415] (l1/c1083344)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[416] (l1/c1085235)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[417] (l1/c1088043)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[418] (l1/c1088569)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[419] (l1/c1089268)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[420] (l1/c1090007)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[421] (l1/c1091890)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[422] (l1/c1094690)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[423] (l1/c1095241)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[423].example[0] (l1/c1095239)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[424] (l1/c1095672)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[425] (l1/c1096127)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[426] (l1/c1096582)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[427] (l1/c1097267)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[428] (l1/c1097972)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[429] (l1/c1099821)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[430] (l1/c1102587)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[431] (l1/c1103051)errorDuplicate id value ''
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[431] (l1/c1103051)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[432] (l1/c1103573)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[433] (l1/c1104392)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[434] (l1/c1105121)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[435] (l1/c1106994)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[436] (l1/c1109784)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[437] (l1/c1110179)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[438] (l1/c1110606)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[439] (l1/c1111417)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[440] (l1/c1112142)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[441] (l1/c1114011)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[442] (l1/c1116797)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[443] (l1/c1117186)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[444] (l1/c1117607)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[445] (l1/c1118096)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[446] (l1/c1118880)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[447] (l1/c1119651)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[448] (l1/c1121566)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[449] (l1/c1124398)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[450] (l1/c1125295)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[451] (l1/c1126100)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[452] (l1/c1128049)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[453] (l1/c1130915)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[454] (l1/c1131562)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[455] (l1/c1132199)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[456] (l1/c1132847)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[457] (l1/c1133487)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[458] (l1/c1134380)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[459] (l1/c1135185)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[460] (l1/c1137134)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[461] (l1/c1140000)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[462] (l1/c1140728)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[462].example[0] (l1/c1140726)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[463] (l1/c1141587)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[464] (l1/c1142235)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[465] (l1/c1142972)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[466] (l1/c1143983)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[467] (l1/c1144796)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[468] (l1/c1146753)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[469] (l1/c1149627)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[470] (l1/c1150415)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[470].example[0] (l1/c1150413)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[471] (l1/c1151037)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[472] (l1/c1151673)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[473] (l1/c1152234)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[474] (l1/c1152822)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[474].example[0] (l1/c1152820)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[475] (l1/c1153651)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[476] (l1/c1154380)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[477] (l1/c1156253)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[478] (l1/c1159043)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[479] (l1/c1159397)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[480] (l1/c1160112)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[481] (l1/c1160837)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[482] (l1/c1162706)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[483] (l1/c1165492)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[484] (l1/c1166243)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[485] (l1/c1166992)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[486] (l1/c1168885)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[487] (l1/c1171695)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[488] (l1/c1172283)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[489] (l1/c1173123)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[490] (l1/c1173846)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[491] (l1/c1175713)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[492] (l1/c1178497)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[493] (l1/c1179071)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[493].example[0] (l1/c1179069)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[494] (l1/c1179579)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[495] (l1/c1180090)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[496] (l1/c1180601)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[497] (l1/c1181115)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[498] (l1/c1181824)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[499] (l1/c1182545)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[500] (l1/c1184410)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[501] (l1/c1187192)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[502] (l1/c1187748)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[503] (l1/c1188493)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[504] (l1/c1189118)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[505] (l1/c1190817)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[506] (l1/c1191550)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[507] (l1/c1192049)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[507].example[0] (l1/c1192047)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[508] (l1/c1192548)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[509] (l1/c1193333)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[510] (l1/c1194070)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[511] (l1/c1195951)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[512] (l1/c1198749)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[513] (l1/c1199317)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[514] (l1/c1200126)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[514].definition (l1/c1199609)warningThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'mu'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[515] (l1/c1200883)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[516] (l1/c1202784)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[517] (l1/c1205602)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[518] (l1/c1206134)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[519] (l1/c1206870)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[520] (l1/c1207609)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[521] (l1/c1209492)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[522] (l1/c1212292)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[523] (l1/c1212770)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[524] (l1/c1213637)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[525] (l1/c1214386)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[526] (l1/c1216279)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[527] (l1/c1219089)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[528] (l1/c1219629)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[529] (l1/c1220380)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[530] (l1/c1221097)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[531] (l1/c1222958)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[532] (l1/c1225736)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[533] (l1/c1226304)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[534] (l1/c1226818)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[535] (l1/c1227341)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[536] (l1/c1227846)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[537] (l1/c1228312)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[538] (l1/c1228769)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[539] (l1/c1229226)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[540] (l1/c1229704)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[541] (l1/c1230278)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[541].example[0] (l1/c1230276)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[1] (l1/c1230641)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[2] (l1/c1230908)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[3] (l1/c1231126)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[4] (l1/c1231544)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[5] (l1/c1231671)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[6] (l1/c1231798)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[7] (l1/c1232012)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[8] (l1/c1232327)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[9] (l1/c1232626)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[9].example[0] (l1/c1232624)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[10] (l1/c1232892)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[11] (l1/c1233156)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[12] (l1/c1233471)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[13] (l1/c1233792)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[13].example[0] (l1/c1233790)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[14] (l1/c1234058)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[15] (l1/c1234437)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[16] (l1/c1234774)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[17] (l1/c1235246)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[18] (l1/c1235478)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[19] (l1/c1235821)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[20] (l1/c1236131)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[21] (l1/c1236503)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[21].example[0] (l1/c1236501)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[22] (l1/c1236896)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[23] (l1/c1237220)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[23].example[0] (l1/c1237218)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[24] (l1/c1237673)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[25] (l1/c1237955)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[26] (l1/c1238275)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[26].example[0] (l1/c1238273)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[27] (l1/c1238696)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[28] (l1/c1239040)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[29] (l1/c1239398)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[29].example[0] (l1/c1239396)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[30] (l1/c1239708)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[31] (l1/c1240035)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[32] (l1/c1240427)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[33] (l1/c1240740)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[34] (l1/c1241006)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[35] (l1/c1241226)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[36] (l1/c1241547)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[37] (l1/c1241852)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[37].example[0] (l1/c1241850)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[38] (l1/c1242124)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[39] (l1/c1242394)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[40] (l1/c1242715)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[41] (l1/c1243042)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[41].example[0] (l1/c1243040)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[42] (l1/c1243314)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[43] (l1/c1243699)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[44] (l1/c1244042)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[45] (l1/c1244520)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[46] (l1/c1244758)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[47] (l1/c1245107)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[48] (l1/c1245423)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[49] (l1/c1245801)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[49].example[0] (l1/c1245799)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[50] (l1/c1246200)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[51] (l1/c1246530)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[51].example[0] (l1/c1246528)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[52] (l1/c1246989)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[53] (l1/c1247277)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[54] (l1/c1247603)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[54].example[0] (l1/c1247601)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[55] (l1/c1248030)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[56] (l1/c1248380)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[57] (l1/c1248744)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[57].example[0] (l1/c1248742)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[58] (l1/c1249060)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[59] (l1/c1249393)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[60] (l1/c1249791)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[61] (l1/c1250110)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[62] (l1/c1250382)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[63] (l1/c1250661)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[64] (l1/c1250911)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[65] (l1/c1251176)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[66] (l1/c1251494)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[67] (l1/c1251832)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[68] (l1/c1252068)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[69] (l1/c1252374)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[70] (l1/c1252586)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[71] (l1/c1252873)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[72] (l1/c1253083)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[73] (l1/c1253424)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[74] (l1/c1253645)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[75] (l1/c1253872)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[76] (l1/c1254100)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[77] (l1/c1254336)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[78] (l1/c1254596)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[79] (l1/c1255078)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[80] (l1/c1255308)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[81] (l1/c1255616)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[82] (l1/c1255872)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[83] (l1/c1256215)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[84] (l1/c1256439)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[85] (l1/c1256780)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[86] (l1/c1257213)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[87] (l1/c1257436)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[88] (l1/c1257790)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[89] (l1/c1258143)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[90] (l1/c1258484)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[91] (l1/c1258827)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[92] (l1/c1259154)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[92].example[0] (l1/c1259152)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[93] (l1/c1259448)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[94] (l1/c1259740)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[95] (l1/c1260083)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[96] (l1/c1260432)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[96].example[0] (l1/c1260430)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[97] (l1/c1260726)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[98] (l1/c1261133)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[99] (l1/c1261498)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[100] (l1/c1261998)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[101] (l1/c1262258)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[102] (l1/c1262629)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[103] (l1/c1262967)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[104] (l1/c1263367)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[104].example[0] (l1/c1263365)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[105] (l1/c1263788)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[106] (l1/c1264140)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[106].example[0] (l1/c1264138)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[107] (l1/c1264621)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[108] (l1/c1264931)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[109] (l1/c1265279)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[109].example[0] (l1/c1265277)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[110] (l1/c1265728)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[111] (l1/c1266100)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[112] (l1/c1266486)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[112].example[0] (l1/c1266484)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[113] (l1/c1266824)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[114] (l1/c1267179)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[115] (l1/c1267599)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[116] (l1/c1267940)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[117] (l1/c1268234)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[118] (l1/c1268507)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[119] (l1/c1268784)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[120] (l1/c1269039)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[121] (l1/c1269400)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[122] (l1/c1269800)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[123] (l1/c1270252)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[124] (l1/c1270549)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[125] (l1/c1270945)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[126] (l1/c1271340)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[127] (l1/c1271723)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[128] (l1/c1272108)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[129] (l1/c1272477)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[129].example[0] (l1/c1272475)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[130] (l1/c1272813)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[131] (l1/c1273147)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[132] (l1/c1273532)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[133] (l1/c1273923)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[133].example[0] (l1/c1273921)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[134] (l1/c1274259)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[135] (l1/c1274708)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[136] (l1/c1275115)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[137] (l1/c1275657)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[138] (l1/c1275959)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[139] (l1/c1276372)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[140] (l1/c1276752)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[141] (l1/c1277194)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[141].example[0] (l1/c1277192)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[142] (l1/c1277657)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[143] (l1/c1278051)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[143].example[0] (l1/c1278049)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[144] (l1/c1278574)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[145] (l1/c1278926)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[146] (l1/c1279316)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[146].example[0] (l1/c1279314)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[147] (l1/c1279807)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[148] (l1/c1280221)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[149] (l1/c1280649)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[149].example[0] (l1/c1280647)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[150] (l1/c1281029)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[151] (l1/c1281426)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[152] (l1/c1281888)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[153] (l1/c1282271)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[154] (l1/c1282607)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[155] (l1/c1282922)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[156] (l1/c1283241)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[157] (l1/c1283720)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[158] (l1/c1284093)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[159] (l1/c1284524)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[160] (l1/c1284985)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[161] (l1/c1285275)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[162] (l1/c1285597)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[163] (l1/c1286040)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[164] (l1/c1286326)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[165] (l1/c1286644)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[166] (l1/c1286999)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[167] (l1/c1287450)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[168] (l1/c1287896)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[169] (l1/c1288334)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[170] (l1/c1288780)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[171] (l1/c1289220)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[172] (l1/c1289667)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[173] (l1/c1290194)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[173].example[0] (l1/c1290192)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[174] (l1/c1290854)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[175] (l1/c1291300)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[176] (l1/c1291837)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[177] (l1/c1292398)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[178] (l1/c1292980)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[178].example[0] (l1/c1292978)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[179] (l1/c1293401)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[180] (l1/c1293826)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[181] (l1/c1294266)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[182] (l1/c1294731)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[183] (l1/c1295330)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[183].short (l1/c1295016)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'using a link to the transaction (in the current MedicationSchema) of the related medicine, '
StructureDefinition.differential.element[184] (l1/c1295813)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[185] (l1/c1296200)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[186] (l1/c1296657)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[187] (l1/c1296999)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[188] (l1/c1297491)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[188].example[0] (l1/c1297489)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[189] (l1/c1297810)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[190] (l1/c1298192)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[191] (l1/c1298626)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[192] (l1/c1298905)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[193] (l1/c1299283)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[194] (l1/c1299660)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[195] (l1/c1300025)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[196] (l1/c1300392)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[197] (l1/c1300743)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[197].example[0] (l1/c1300741)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[198] (l1/c1301061)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[199] (l1/c1301377)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[200] (l1/c1301744)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[201] (l1/c1302117)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[201].example[0] (l1/c1302115)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[202] (l1/c1302435)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[203] (l1/c1302866)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[204] (l1/c1303255)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[205] (l1/c1303779)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[206] (l1/c1304063)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[207] (l1/c1304458)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[208] (l1/c1304820)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[209] (l1/c1305244)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[209].example[0] (l1/c1305242)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[210] (l1/c1305689)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[211] (l1/c1306065)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[211].example[0] (l1/c1306063)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[212] (l1/c1306570)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[213] (l1/c1306904)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[214] (l1/c1307276)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[214].example[0] (l1/c1307274)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[215] (l1/c1307749)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[216] (l1/c1308145)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[217] (l1/c1308555)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[217].example[0] (l1/c1308553)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[218] (l1/c1308917)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[219] (l1/c1309296)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[220] (l1/c1309740)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[221] (l1/c1310105)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[222] (l1/c1310423)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[223] (l1/c1310720)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[224] (l1/c1311021)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[225] (l1/c1311245)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[226] (l1/c1311706)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[227] (l1/c1312067)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[228] (l1/c1312498)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[229] (l1/c1312822)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[230] (l1/c1313215)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[231] (l1/c1313531)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[232] (l1/c1313952)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[232].example[0] (l1/c1313950)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[233] (l1/c1314433)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[234] (l1/c1314792)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[235] (l1/c1315221)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[236] (l1/c1315543)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[237] (l1/c1315933)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[238] (l1/c1316247)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[239] (l1/c1316666)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[239].example[0] (l1/c1316664)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[240] (l1/c1317155)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[241] (l1/c1317518)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[242] (l1/c1317951)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[243] (l1/c1318277)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[244] (l1/c1318673)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[245] (l1/c1318991)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[246] (l1/c1319414)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[246].example[0] (l1/c1319412)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[247] (l1/c1319743)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[248] (l1/c1320088)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[249] (l1/c1320433)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[250] (l1/c1320754)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[251] (l1/c1321109)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[252] (l1/c1321522)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[253] (l1/c1321965)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[254] (l1/c1322237)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[255] (l1/c1322541)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[256] (l1/c1322978)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[257] (l1/c1323246)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[258] (l1/c1323546)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[259] (l1/c1323920)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[260] (l1/c1324307)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[261] (l1/c1324790)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[262] (l1/c1325268)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[263] (l1/c1325738)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[264] (l1/c1326216)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[265] (l1/c1326688)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[266] (l1/c1327167)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[267] (l1/c1327726)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[267].example[0] (l1/c1327724)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[268] (l1/c1328418)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[269] (l1/c1328896)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[270] (l1/c1329465)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[271] (l1/c1330058)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[272] (l1/c1330672)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[272].example[0] (l1/c1330670)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[273] (l1/c1331125)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[274] (l1/c1331582)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[275] (l1/c1332029)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[276] (l1/c1332506)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[276].example[0] (l1/c1332504)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[277] (l1/c1332959)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[278] (l1/c1333192)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[279] (l1/c1333533)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[280] (l1/c1333898)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[281] (l1/c1334355)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[282] (l1/c1334822)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[283] (l1/c1335276)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[283].example[0] (l1/c1335274)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[284] (l1/c1335665)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[285] (l1/c1336056)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[286] (l1/c1336447)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[287] (l1/c1336840)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[288] (l1/c1337177)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[289] (l1/c1337614)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[290] (l1/c1337979)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[291] (l1/c1338353)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[291].example[0] (l1/c1338351)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
StructureDefinition.differential.element[292] (l1/c1338728)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[293] (l1/c1339133)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[294] (l1/c1339574)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[295] (l1/c1339993)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[295].definition (l1/c1339866)warningThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'mu'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour
StructureDefinition.differential.element[296] (l1/c1340390)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[297] (l1/c1340745)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[298] (l1/c1341092)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[299] (l1/c1341573)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[300] (l1/c1341982)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[301] (l1/c1342363)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[302] (l1/c1342816)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[303] (l1/c1343199)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[304] (l1/c1343588)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[305] (l1/c1343965)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[306] (l1/c1344316)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[307] (l1/c1344661)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[308] (l1/c1345006)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[309] (l1/c1345365)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[310] (l1/c1345811)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[310].example[0] (l1/c1345809)errorElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-QT.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4442)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ST.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4434)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-TS.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4447)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-Treatment.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4487)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-TreatmentLine.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c45399)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c74262)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[56] (l1/c124634)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[38] (l1/c138704)warningRule eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken' Failed
StructureDefinition.differential.element[10]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.differential.element[11]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.differential.element[14]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.differential.element[19]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.differential.element[28]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.differential.element[30]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.differential.element[31]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.differential.element[38]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[13]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[13].bindingerrorThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.lifeCycleStatus has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[14]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[14].bindingerrorThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.statusReason has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[17]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[17].bindingerrorThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.originType has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[25]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[25].bindingerrorThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.product.medType has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[43]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[43].bindingerrorThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.periodicity has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[45]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[45].bindingerrorThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.dayPeriod has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[46]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[46].bindingerrorThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.route has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[56]errorThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
StructureDefinition.snapshot.element[56].bindingerrorThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.permission-consent has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-class.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition (l1/c10458)warningRule sdf-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation' Failed
StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4519)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-unknown.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition (l1/c7777)warningRule sdf-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation' Failed
StructureDefinition.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c4518)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
StructureDefinition.where(url = '')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this data type profile

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineDayPeriod.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1174)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ValueSet (l1/c1339)warningThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
ValueSet.where(id = 'BEVSMMedicationLineDayPeriod')warningError from server: Unable to provide support for code system (see Tx log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1026)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ValueSet (l1/c1138)warningThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineStatus.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1011)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ValueSet (l1/c1118)warningThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1055)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ValueSet (l1/c1168)warningThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1067)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ValueSet (l1/c1183)warningThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationLineConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c991)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ValueSet (l1/c1099)warningThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationLineOriginType.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c1019)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ValueSet (l1/c1130)warningThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationProductType.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.jurisdiction[0].coding[0] (l1/c991)warningThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for '' (see Tx log)
ValueSet (l1/c1099)warningThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

If this was a real IG, there should be examples for these profiles too. But it's not, and I'm lazy...

This is inherited from the base resource

We're expecting these to not match the slice - we're showing how you can use slicing to define the one repetition you want even when many repetitions might be present

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationAdministrationRoute.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationAdministrationRoute.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineConsent.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineConsent.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineDayPeriod.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineDayPeriod.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineOriginType.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineOriginType.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLinePeriodicity.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLinePeriodicity.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineStatus.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineStatus.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineStatusReason.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineStatusReason.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationProductType.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationProductType.jsonThe ShareableCodeSystem profile says that the caseSensitive element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonDuplicate id value ''


fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-medicationschema.jsonConformance resource /github/workspace/fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-medicationschema.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (


fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-medicationschema.jsonResource id/url mismatch: medicationschema/


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.lifeCycleStatus has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.statusReason has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.originType has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.product.medType has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.periodicity has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.dayPeriod has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.route has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe element VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.permission-consent has a binding, but no bindable types are present [Element]


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThis element has a Binding but the types [Element] do not make this kind of constraint relevant


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'mu'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'mu'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationAdministrationRoute.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineConsent.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineDayPeriod.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineOriginType.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLinePeriodicity.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineStatus.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineStatusReason.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationProductType.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-medicationschema.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-CD.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-DT.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ExtDosageTime.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-FHIRDocument.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-FHIRMedList.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-II.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-QT.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ST.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-TS.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-Treatment.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-TreatmentLine.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-VIDISMedicationSchema.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-class.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-unknown.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineDayPeriod.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineStatus.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationLineConsent.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationLineOriginType.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationProductType.jsonThe display "Belgium" is not a valid display for the code {}056 - should be one of ['Belgium (BEL)'] (from for ''


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-BEMedicationLineDayPeriod.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Medication line - times of day '
fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-medicationschema.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Medication line - times of day '
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'using a link to the transaction (in the current MedicationSchema) of the related medicine, '
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'using a link to the transaction (in the current MedicationSchema) of the related medicine, '


fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineDayPeriod.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineStatus.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationLineConsent.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationLineOriginType.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-BEVSMedicationProductType.jsonThe ShareableValueSet profile says that the experimental element is mandatory, but it is not present. Published value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-KMEHRMS.jsonElementDefinition.example.label: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|4.0.1)