Belgium Medication Schema
1.0.0 - STU1 Belgium

Belgium Medication Schema, published by My Organization. This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0). This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: VIDIS MS

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2023-03-07 Computable Name: VIDISMedicationSchema

VIDIS MedicationSchema Data Model


  • This Logical Model Profile is not used by any profiles in this Implementation Guide

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Base

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. VIDISMedicationSchema 0..*BaseVIDIS MS
... identifier 0..*IIIdentifier of the schema
... version 1..1IIUnique version identifier for the schema
... type 1..1CDType of schema
... authoredDate 1..1DTdate/time when entered
... patient 1..1IIIdentifier or reference to the patient
... medicationLine 0..*classA line of medication
.... uniqueID 1..*IIA unique identifier of the line
.... status 1..1CDThe status of the medication treatment entry - active, stopped, entered in error, etc.
.... lifeCycleStatus 1..1CDThe business state of the treatment - active, stopped, etc.
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status (preferred)
.... statusReason 0..*CDReason for the medication being in the status
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status reason (preferred)
.... recorder 0..1CDWho recorded the entry
.... recordedDate 0..1DTdate/time when entered
.... originType 1..1CDWhere the treatment originated - hospital, ambulatory,...
Binding: Medication Line origin type (preferred)
.... product 1..1classThe medicinal product
..... productCode 0..1CDThe code of the product, including the type (VMP, CNK, CTIX)
..... productClass 0..1CDThe classification of the product e.g. ATC
..... product 0..1classReference to the defined medication
..... medType 1..1CDThe type of medication
Binding: Medication Product Type (preferred)
.... treatmentTime 0..1classWhen the treatment is expected to occur
..... period 0..1classThe date and time the treatment started/stopped
...... startDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment started
...... endDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment stopped
..... duration 1..1STDuration if exact start/end is not known
.... relatedCondition 0..*classThe condition that triggered this treatment
..... conditionCode 0..1CDThe type of condition that triggered this treatment
..... conditionReference 0..*classReference to the condition defined elsewhere
.... periodicity 0..1CDFrequency of treatment
Binding: Medication line - periodicity (preferred)
.... dosageAmount 0..1QTThe dosage amount - number of units to take
.... dayPeriod 1..1CDThe time of day When the medication is given
Binding: Medication line - time of day (preferred)
.... route 0..1CDThe route of administration
Binding: Medication line - route of administration (preferred)
.... instruction 0..*STInstruction for the patient
.... note 0..*STOther annotations
.... reaction 0..*classReactions to the medication during this treatment
..... date 1..1DTThe date of the reaction
..... type 1..1CDThe reaction code or text
.... indication 0..*CDIndications / conditions for which this medication is given
.... permission-consent 0..1CDAny additional indication of privacy and consent that is explicitly given for this line
Binding: Medication Line consent (preferred)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.lifeCycleStatuspreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatus (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.statusReasonpreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason (a valid code from Medication line - Treatment status)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.originTypepreferredBEVSMedicationLineOriginType (a valid code from Medication Line origin type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.product.medTypepreferredBEVSMedicationProductType (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.periodicitypreferredBEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity (a valid code from Medication line - periodicity)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.routepreferredBEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute (a valid code from Medication line - route of administration)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.permission-consentpreferredBEVSMedicationLineConsent (a valid code from Medication Line consent)
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. VIDISMedicationSchema 0..*BaseVIDIS MS
... identifier 0..*IIIdentifier of the schema
... version 1..1IIUnique version identifier for the schema
... type 1..1CDType of schema
... authoredDate 1..1DTdate/time when entered
... patient 1..1IIIdentifier or reference to the patient
... medicationLine 0..*classA line of medication
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... uniqueID 1..*IIA unique identifier of the line
.... status 1..1CDThe status of the medication treatment entry - active, stopped, entered in error, etc.
.... lifeCycleStatus 1..1CDThe business state of the treatment - active, stopped, etc.
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status (preferred)
.... statusReason 0..*CDReason for the medication being in the status
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status reason (preferred)
.... recorder 0..1CDWho recorded the entry
.... recordedDate 0..1DTdate/time when entered
.... originType 1..1CDWhere the treatment originated - hospital, ambulatory,...
Binding: Medication Line origin type (preferred)
.... product 1..1classThe medicinal product
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... productCode 0..1CDThe code of the product, including the type (VMP, CNK, CTIX)
..... productClass 0..1CDThe classification of the product e.g. ATC
..... product 0..1classReference to the defined medication
..... medType 1..1CDThe type of medication
Binding: Medication Product Type (preferred)
.... treatmentTime 0..1classWhen the treatment is expected to occur
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... period 0..1classThe date and time the treatment started/stopped
...... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
...... startDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment started
...... endDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment stopped
..... duration 1..1STDuration if exact start/end is not known
.... relatedCondition 0..*classThe condition that triggered this treatment
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... conditionCode 0..1CDThe type of condition that triggered this treatment
..... conditionReference 0..*classReference to the condition defined elsewhere
.... periodicity 0..1CDFrequency of treatment
Binding: Medication line - periodicity (preferred)
.... dosageAmount 0..1QTThe dosage amount - number of units to take
.... dayPeriod 1..1CDThe time of day When the medication is given
Binding: Medication line - time of day (preferred)
.... route 0..1CDThe route of administration
Binding: Medication line - route of administration (preferred)
.... instruction 0..*STInstruction for the patient
.... note 0..*STOther annotations
.... reaction 0..*classReactions to the medication during this treatment
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... date 1..1DTThe date of the reaction
..... type 1..1CDThe reaction code or text
.... indication 0..*CDIndications / conditions for which this medication is given
.... permission-consent 0..1CDAny additional indication of privacy and consent that is explicitly given for this line
Binding: Medication Line consent (preferred)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.lifeCycleStatuspreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatus (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.statusReasonpreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason (a valid code from Medication line - Treatment status)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.originTypepreferredBEVSMedicationLineOriginType (a valid code from Medication Line origin type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.product.medTypepreferredBEVSMedicationProductType (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.periodicitypreferredBEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity (a valid code from Medication line - periodicity)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.routepreferredBEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute (a valid code from Medication line - route of administration)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.permission-consentpreferredBEVSMedicationLineConsent (a valid code from Medication Line consent)


ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. VIDISMedicationSchema 0..*BaseVIDIS MS
... identifier 0..*IIIdentifier of the schema
... version 1..1IIUnique version identifier for the schema
... type 1..1CDType of schema
... authoredDate 1..1DTdate/time when entered
... patient 1..1IIIdentifier or reference to the patient
... medicationLine 0..*classA line of medication
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... uniqueID 1..*IIA unique identifier of the line
.... status 1..1CDThe status of the medication treatment entry - active, stopped, entered in error, etc.
.... lifeCycleStatus 1..1CDThe business state of the treatment - active, stopped, etc.
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status (preferred)
.... statusReason 0..*CDReason for the medication being in the status
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status reason (preferred)
.... recorder 0..1CDWho recorded the entry
.... recordedDate 0..1DTdate/time when entered
.... originType 1..1CDWhere the treatment originated - hospital, ambulatory,...
Binding: Medication Line origin type (preferred)
.... product 1..1classThe medicinal product
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... productCode 0..1CDThe code of the product, including the type (VMP, CNK, CTIX)
..... productClass 0..1CDThe classification of the product e.g. ATC
..... product 0..1classReference to the defined medication
..... medType 1..1CDThe type of medication
Binding: Medication Product Type (preferred)
.... treatmentTime 0..1classWhen the treatment is expected to occur
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... period 0..1classThe date and time the treatment started/stopped
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
...... startDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment started
...... endDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment stopped
..... duration 1..1STDuration if exact start/end is not known
.... relatedCondition 0..*classThe condition that triggered this treatment
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... conditionCode 0..1CDThe type of condition that triggered this treatment
..... conditionReference 0..*classReference to the condition defined elsewhere
.... periodicity 0..1CDFrequency of treatment
Binding: Medication line - periodicity (preferred)
.... dosageAmount 0..1QTThe dosage amount - number of units to take
.... dayPeriod 1..1CDThe time of day When the medication is given
Binding: Medication line - time of day (preferred)
.... route 0..1CDThe route of administration
Binding: Medication line - route of administration (preferred)
.... instruction 0..*STInstruction for the patient
.... note 0..*STOther annotations
.... reaction 0..*classReactions to the medication during this treatment
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... date 1..1DTThe date of the reaction
..... type 1..1CDThe reaction code or text
.... indication 0..*CDIndications / conditions for which this medication is given
.... permission-consent 0..1CDAny additional indication of privacy and consent that is explicitly given for this line
Binding: Medication Line consent (preferred)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.lifeCycleStatuspreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatus (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.statusReasonpreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason (a valid code from Medication line - Treatment status)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.originTypepreferredBEVSMedicationLineOriginType (a valid code from Medication Line origin type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.product.medTypepreferredBEVSMedicationProductType (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.periodicitypreferredBEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity (a valid code from Medication line - periodicity)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.routepreferredBEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute (a valid code from Medication line - route of administration)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.permission-consentpreferredBEVSMedicationLineConsent (a valid code from Medication Line consent)


ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()

Differential View

This structure is derived from Base

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. VIDISMedicationSchema 0..*BaseVIDIS MS
... identifier 0..*IIIdentifier of the schema
... version 1..1IIUnique version identifier for the schema
... type 1..1CDType of schema
... authoredDate 1..1DTdate/time when entered
... patient 1..1IIIdentifier or reference to the patient
... medicationLine 0..*classA line of medication
.... uniqueID 1..*IIA unique identifier of the line
.... status 1..1CDThe status of the medication treatment entry - active, stopped, entered in error, etc.
.... lifeCycleStatus 1..1CDThe business state of the treatment - active, stopped, etc.
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status (preferred)
.... statusReason 0..*CDReason for the medication being in the status
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status reason (preferred)
.... recorder 0..1CDWho recorded the entry
.... recordedDate 0..1DTdate/time when entered
.... originType 1..1CDWhere the treatment originated - hospital, ambulatory,...
Binding: Medication Line origin type (preferred)
.... product 1..1classThe medicinal product
..... productCode 0..1CDThe code of the product, including the type (VMP, CNK, CTIX)
..... productClass 0..1CDThe classification of the product e.g. ATC
..... product 0..1classReference to the defined medication
..... medType 1..1CDThe type of medication
Binding: Medication Product Type (preferred)
.... treatmentTime 0..1classWhen the treatment is expected to occur
..... period 0..1classThe date and time the treatment started/stopped
...... startDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment started
...... endDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment stopped
..... duration 1..1STDuration if exact start/end is not known
.... relatedCondition 0..*classThe condition that triggered this treatment
..... conditionCode 0..1CDThe type of condition that triggered this treatment
..... conditionReference 0..*classReference to the condition defined elsewhere
.... periodicity 0..1CDFrequency of treatment
Binding: Medication line - periodicity (preferred)
.... dosageAmount 0..1QTThe dosage amount - number of units to take
.... dayPeriod 1..1CDThe time of day When the medication is given
Binding: Medication line - time of day (preferred)
.... route 0..1CDThe route of administration
Binding: Medication line - route of administration (preferred)
.... instruction 0..*STInstruction for the patient
.... note 0..*STOther annotations
.... reaction 0..*classReactions to the medication during this treatment
..... date 1..1DTThe date of the reaction
..... type 1..1CDThe reaction code or text
.... indication 0..*CDIndications / conditions for which this medication is given
.... permission-consent 0..1CDAny additional indication of privacy and consent that is explicitly given for this line
Binding: Medication Line consent (preferred)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.lifeCycleStatuspreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatus (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.statusReasonpreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason (a valid code from Medication line - Treatment status)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.originTypepreferredBEVSMedicationLineOriginType (a valid code from Medication Line origin type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.product.medTypepreferredBEVSMedicationProductType (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.periodicitypreferredBEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity (a valid code from Medication line - periodicity)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.routepreferredBEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute (a valid code from Medication line - route of administration)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.permission-consentpreferredBEVSMedicationLineConsent (a valid code from Medication Line consent)

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. VIDISMedicationSchema 0..*BaseVIDIS MS
... identifier 0..*IIIdentifier of the schema
... version 1..1IIUnique version identifier for the schema
... type 1..1CDType of schema
... authoredDate 1..1DTdate/time when entered
... patient 1..1IIIdentifier or reference to the patient
... medicationLine 0..*classA line of medication
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... uniqueID 1..*IIA unique identifier of the line
.... status 1..1CDThe status of the medication treatment entry - active, stopped, entered in error, etc.
.... lifeCycleStatus 1..1CDThe business state of the treatment - active, stopped, etc.
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status (preferred)
.... statusReason 0..*CDReason for the medication being in the status
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status reason (preferred)
.... recorder 0..1CDWho recorded the entry
.... recordedDate 0..1DTdate/time when entered
.... originType 1..1CDWhere the treatment originated - hospital, ambulatory,...
Binding: Medication Line origin type (preferred)
.... product 1..1classThe medicinal product
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... productCode 0..1CDThe code of the product, including the type (VMP, CNK, CTIX)
..... productClass 0..1CDThe classification of the product e.g. ATC
..... product 0..1classReference to the defined medication
..... medType 1..1CDThe type of medication
Binding: Medication Product Type (preferred)
.... treatmentTime 0..1classWhen the treatment is expected to occur
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... period 0..1classThe date and time the treatment started/stopped
...... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
...... startDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment started
...... endDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment stopped
..... duration 1..1STDuration if exact start/end is not known
.... relatedCondition 0..*classThe condition that triggered this treatment
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... conditionCode 0..1CDThe type of condition that triggered this treatment
..... conditionReference 0..*classReference to the condition defined elsewhere
.... periodicity 0..1CDFrequency of treatment
Binding: Medication line - periodicity (preferred)
.... dosageAmount 0..1QTThe dosage amount - number of units to take
.... dayPeriod 1..1CDThe time of day When the medication is given
Binding: Medication line - time of day (preferred)
.... route 0..1CDThe route of administration
Binding: Medication line - route of administration (preferred)
.... instruction 0..*STInstruction for the patient
.... note 0..*STOther annotations
.... reaction 0..*classReactions to the medication during this treatment
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... date 1..1DTThe date of the reaction
..... type 1..1CDThe reaction code or text
.... indication 0..*CDIndications / conditions for which this medication is given
.... permission-consent 0..1CDAny additional indication of privacy and consent that is explicitly given for this line
Binding: Medication Line consent (preferred)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.lifeCycleStatuspreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatus (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.statusReasonpreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason (a valid code from Medication line - Treatment status)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.originTypepreferredBEVSMedicationLineOriginType (a valid code from Medication Line origin type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.product.medTypepreferredBEVSMedicationProductType (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.periodicitypreferredBEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity (a valid code from Medication line - periodicity)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.routepreferredBEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute (a valid code from Medication line - route of administration)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.permission-consentpreferredBEVSMedicationLineConsent (a valid code from Medication Line consent)


ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. VIDISMedicationSchema 0..*BaseVIDIS MS
... identifier 0..*IIIdentifier of the schema
... version 1..1IIUnique version identifier for the schema
... type 1..1CDType of schema
... authoredDate 1..1DTdate/time when entered
... patient 1..1IIIdentifier or reference to the patient
... medicationLine 0..*classA line of medication
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... uniqueID 1..*IIA unique identifier of the line
.... status 1..1CDThe status of the medication treatment entry - active, stopped, entered in error, etc.
.... lifeCycleStatus 1..1CDThe business state of the treatment - active, stopped, etc.
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status (preferred)
.... statusReason 0..*CDReason for the medication being in the status
Binding: Medication line - Treatment status reason (preferred)
.... recorder 0..1CDWho recorded the entry
.... recordedDate 0..1DTdate/time when entered
.... originType 1..1CDWhere the treatment originated - hospital, ambulatory,...
Binding: Medication Line origin type (preferred)
.... product 1..1classThe medicinal product
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... productCode 0..1CDThe code of the product, including the type (VMP, CNK, CTIX)
..... productClass 0..1CDThe classification of the product e.g. ATC
..... product 0..1classReference to the defined medication
..... medType 1..1CDThe type of medication
Binding: Medication Product Type (preferred)
.... treatmentTime 0..1classWhen the treatment is expected to occur
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... period 0..1classThe date and time the treatment started/stopped
...... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
...... startDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment started
...... endDate 0..1DTThe date and time the treatment stopped
..... duration 1..1STDuration if exact start/end is not known
.... relatedCondition 0..*classThe condition that triggered this treatment
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... conditionCode 0..1CDThe type of condition that triggered this treatment
..... conditionReference 0..*classReference to the condition defined elsewhere
.... periodicity 0..1CDFrequency of treatment
Binding: Medication line - periodicity (preferred)
.... dosageAmount 0..1QTThe dosage amount - number of units to take
.... dayPeriod 1..1CDThe time of day When the medication is given
Binding: Medication line - time of day (preferred)
.... route 0..1CDThe route of administration
Binding: Medication line - route of administration (preferred)
.... instruction 0..*STInstruction for the patient
.... note 0..*STOther annotations
.... reaction 0..*classReactions to the medication during this treatment
..... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... date 1..1DTThe date of the reaction
..... type 1..1CDThe reaction code or text
.... indication 0..*CDIndications / conditions for which this medication is given
.... permission-consent 0..1CDAny additional indication of privacy and consent that is explicitly given for this line
Binding: Medication Line consent (preferred)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.lifeCycleStatuspreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatus (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.statusReasonpreferredBEVSMMedicationLineStatusReason (a valid code from Medication line - Treatment status)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.originTypepreferredBEVSMedicationLineOriginType (a valid code from Medication Line origin type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.product.medTypepreferredBEVSMedicationProductType (a valid code from Medication Product Type)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.periodicitypreferredBEVSMMedicationLinePeriodicity (a valid code from Medication line - periodicity)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.routepreferredBEVSMedicationAdministrationRoute (a valid code from Medication line - route of administration)
VIDISMedicationSchema.medicationLine.permission-consentpreferredBEVSMedicationLineConsent (a valid code from Medication Line consent)


ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel