0.1.0-test - CI Build Belgium flag

MedicationRecord, published by HL7 Belgium. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0-test built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Medication Record - FHIR resources

The Medication Record uses several Medication-related FHIR resources. The FHIR version used for this specification is the FHIR Release 4.

Note that upcoming versions of FHIR are expected to introduce some meanignful changes to the resources used.
For example the MedicationStatement resource is expected to be renamed to MedicationUsage.

  • Medication Summary - is a FHIR Document, therefore a Bundle.
    • The Medication Summary SHALL contain curation and organization of the medication record (typically in a summary form). This organization of the content is represented with a Composition resource. In addition to the Composition, the Bundle also contains some of the resources listed below.

The Medication Summary is a authored, consistent compiled representation of a patient’s medication. But the medication record may be exchanged independently of such compilation. In some cases the systems want to receive a collection of uncompiled data, for example for analytics or for creating such compilation themselves.

Whether as a document or as a collection, the Medication Record can contain any of the following resources:

  • Known Medication allergies and relevant intolerances are represented using AllergyIntolerance resource instances
  • The known medication adverse events are captured in AdverseEvent resource instances. The adverse events can be associated with an allergy reaction, or just a standalone adverse event.
  • When one or more medications are associated with a given disease (indication), the indication can be captured via an instance of the Condition resource
  • A medication record describes a set of Medication Treatments. The medication treatment is a grouping artifact and a [CarePlan](( can be used.
  • A Medication Summary describes an interpreted aggregation of Medication Treatment Lines. The medication summary is also a grouping artifact and a CarePlan can be used.
  • Each Medication Treatment Line represents a single line of treatment (see the functional description page) and is implemented as a MedicationStatement resource instance
  • When a medication treatment
  • Medication Treatment Line can be associated with information from different origins:
    • Prescriptions, or any known change to a treatment, with the MedicationRequest resource
    • Dispenses, with the MedicationDispense resource
    • Administrations, ttypically informed by the patient or by a nurse or other care giver, with the MedicationAdministration resource
    • In some cases, a medication information can be obtained by a statement given by a patient (or related person) about the usage of the medication. This is done with the MedicationStatement resource
  • A set of examples is provided in this document to show the combinations of these elements in realistic scenarios.

The diagram below shows these resources and some of their content. The actual content definition is defined in the profiles section.

Patient Record Medication Record Patientname 0..1identifier 0..*Patient  Medication View identifiertypeperiodindicationrecorderrecord_datelast_updatedcriteriaCarePlan  Medication  Treatment Line identifierbasedOnsubjectrecorderrecordDatestartMedicationDateendMedicationDateoriginTypereactionproductcodereferenceclassmedicationTypeinstructionForUsedosageAmountperiodicityroutedayPeriodlifecycleStatusstatusReasonindicationMedicationStatement  Medication  View Line identifierbasedOnsubjectrecorderrecordDatestartMedicationDateendMedicationDateoriginTypereactionproductcodereferenceclassmedicationTypeinstructionForUsedosageAmountperiodicityroutedayPeriodlifecycleStatusstatusReasonindicationMedicationStatement  Medication Treatment  identifiersubjectstatusintentcategorytitledescriptionencounterperiodcreatedauthorindicationrecorderrecord_datelast_updatedsupportingInfogoalnoteCarePlan  Medication Protocol  identifiertitlereferencePlanDefinition  Medication   Allergy/Intolerance  codeclinical_statusverification_statusrecorderrecord_datereactionsBeAllergyIntolerance  Prescription Group  identifierstatusRequestGroup  Prescription Line  identifierpatientstatusstatusReasonintentproductencounterrequesterreasongroupIdentifierdosageInstructionnotedatelocationtreatmentMedicationRequest  Schedule  identifierstatusstatusReasonproductencountergroupIdentifiertimingQuantitytreatmentnoteMedicationRequest  Dispense  identifierpatientdispenseractororganizationdateprescriptionisPrescribedprescriptionstatusstatusReasonproductquantityDispenseddosageInstructionnotesubstitutionReasontypelocationtreatmentMedicationDispense  Administration  identifierstatusstatusReasoncategoryproductsubjectencounteroccurencerecordedperformerfunctionactorreasonprescriptiondevicenotedosagetextsiteroutemethoddoseratetreatmentlocationMedicationAdministration  Usage Statement  identifierstatuscategoryproductsubjecteffectivedateAssertedinformationSourcereasonnoterenderedDosageInstructiondosageadherencecodereasontreatmentMedicationStatement  Medication   Event  codeclinical_statusverification_statusrecorderrecord_datereactionsAdverseEvent  Condition  Indication codeclinical_statusverification_statusrecorderrecord_dateCondition                                                                         

Access to the data

  • Getting the last known documents
  • Asking for the system to create a document given some rules
  • Getting the entire record data
  • Custom queries

see the section Transaction Types for more details