0.1.0-test - CI Build Belgium flag

MedicationRecord, published by HL7 Belgium. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0-test built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


In this specification, the following terms and concepts are used:

Medication Record a collection of all past, future and current medication treatments for a patient. This may include the related data objects such as prescriptions, dispenses, etc. but does not necessarily incorporate adjacent information like allergies, lab results, etc.
Medication Treatment a set of medications used in a given context - for example one disease, or one episode.
Medication Treatment line One medication product that is used (or planned) for a patient, including the details on how the medication is or should be used (for example posology).
A medication treatment line always is associated with a treatment, even if that treatment is not a prescription or even planned (for example self-reported OTC medication usage).
The same medication (line) can be referred in more than one treatment.
A Medication Treatment Item can trigger prescriptions, dispenses or medication administrations in order to fulfill the medication, or can be created and updated by those.
Medication View A purpose-specific collection of medication lines (medication view lines) representing a distinct view on the data that is relevant for that purpose, for example a patient-friendly schedule view, or a physician’s aggregated view,…
This differs from the Medication Treatment in that the medication treatment is the “original” information - what is known at a given time to be the medication treatments of the patient - whereas the view can be transversal to several treatments, or detailed as needed.
Medication View line one entry in the medication view, representing a purpose-specific perspective on one or several medication treatment lines - for example a single line in a patient’s schedule for the week.
Because the medication view line (and medication view) are purpose-specific, there may be different medication view lines for the same medication treatment line.
note that structure of the Medication View line is similar to that of the Medication Treatment line -but they are used differently - one to capture the original data, the other to represent the derived data
Medication Prescription A request or authorization to start (or continue) a medication treatment for a patient. This includes the authorization and instructions for the supply of the medication, as well as any necessary authorization and instructions for the administration - whether for the patient or for professionals.
Medication Dispense A record of dispensing a medication - i.e. assigning (and handing over) a medication to a patient.
Medication Administration A record of a single administration of medication - or combined administrations, depending on the granularity possible.
Medication statement A patient’s statement of using or not using a medication.
Medication data collection The process and outcome of collecting data about a patient’s medication. This collection can be in different forms and from different sources.
Medication data aggregation The process of combining and linking data about a patient’s medication based on existing rules - for example resolving duplicates, linling .
Medication Reconciliation The process of creating and maintaining a single list of medications for a patient, for a specific purpose, and the necessary adjustments to the treatments / treatment lines that are deemed necessary (for example when finding duplicate medication lines).
Medication View Creation The process of creating a specific representation - for example in list format