Belgium Medication Schema, published by My Organization. This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0). This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
: Medication Product Type - JSON Representation
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"resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
"id" : "BEMedicationProductType",
"text" : {
"status" : "generated",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><p>This code system <code></code> defines the following codes:</p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">magistral<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-magistral\"> </a></td><td>Magistral preparation</td><td>Magistral preparation - see definitions</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">officinal<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-officinal\"> </a></td><td>Oficinal preparation</td><td>Oficinal preparation - see definitions</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">medicinalproduct<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-medicinalproduct\"> </a></td><td>Medicinal product</td><td>Medicinal product - an actual 'branded' product</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">idmp-mp<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-idmp-mp\"> </a></td><td>IDMP Medicinal Product</td><td>IDMP Medicinal Product - see definitions</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">pharmaceuticalproduct<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-pharmaceuticalproduct\"> </a></td><td>medicinal product - see definitions</td><td/></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">idmp-php<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-idmp-php\"> </a></td><td>IDMP Pharmaceutical Product</td><td>IDMP Pharmaceutical Product - see definitions</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">package<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-package\"> </a></td><td>product package</td><td>product package - see definitions</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">idmp-pp<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-idmp-pp\"> </a></td><td>IDMP Packaged Product</td><td>IDMP Packaged Product - see definitions</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">vmp-group<a name=\"BEMedicationProductType-vmp-group\"> </a></td><td>VMP Group</td><td>VMP Group - see definitions</td></tr></table></div>"
"url" : "",
"version" : "1.0.0",
"name" : "BEMedicationProductType",
"title" : "Medication Product Type",
"status" : "active",
"date" : "2023-03-07T20:58:02+00:00",
"publisher" : "My Organization",
"contact" : [
"name" : "My Organization",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : ""
"system" : "email",
"value" : ""
"name" : "Bob Smith",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "email",
"value" : "",
"use" : "work"
"description" : "Type of medication product.",
"jurisdiction" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "",
"code" : "056",
"display" : "Belgium"
"content" : "complete",
"count" : 9,
"concept" : [
"code" : "magistral",
"display" : "Magistral preparation",
"definition" : "Magistral preparation - see definitions"
"code" : "officinal",
"display" : "Oficinal preparation",
"definition" : "Oficinal preparation - see definitions"
"code" : "medicinalproduct",
"display" : "Medicinal product",
"definition" : "Medicinal product - an actual 'branded' product"
"code" : "idmp-mp",
"display" : "IDMP Medicinal Product",
"definition" : "IDMP Medicinal Product - see definitions"
"code" : "pharmaceuticalproduct",
"display" : "medicinal product - see definitions"
"code" : "idmp-php",
"display" : "IDMP Pharmaceutical Product",
"definition" : "IDMP Pharmaceutical Product - see definitions"
"code" : "package",
"display" : "product package",
"definition" : "product package - see definitions"
"code" : "idmp-pp",
"display" : "IDMP Packaged Product",
"definition" : "IDMP Packaged Product - see definitions"
"code" : "vmp-group",
"display" : "VMP Group",
"definition" : "VMP Group - see definitions"